Friday we left after work and started our weekend heading up the 101 along the coast. Ended up in San Luis Obispo along with a few sprinkles following us. Saturday morning brought some pretty good rain but that didn't stop us from loading up the surfboards and heading south 15 miles to Pismo Beach. I ended up surfing for only 45 minutes (it was pretty cold) while Jill stayed warm in the truck with Jackson and a good book. Famous Old West cinnamon rolls with Kona coffee for breakfast, amazing, never going back to Folgers again : ) . Ended up being a nice day in the afternoon with some hiking around Morro Bay and later that night a romantic dinner in SLO along the creek (Jackon had to stay behind). The last day of trip we toured around Cal Poly and made our way back stopping at Ventura for the Patagonia outlet, but no luck.
Top of the morning to ya! So Jill and I decided to cook up some corn beef and cabbage in honor of me being irish for a day (I think she might be already). We invited some friends over to the house and started with some irish chedder fondue, corn beef and cabbage, green drinks (sherbert & 7up), and then topped if off with an irish cake made by Jill. We played some dance revolution (one of Jill's favorites), and then a little guitar hero on the big screen. All in all a good holiday. Irish Blessing: MAY THE ROAD RISE TO MEET YOU, MAY THE WIND BE ALWAYS AT YOUR BACK, MAY THE SUN SHINE UPON YOUR FACE, THE RAINS FALL SOFT UPON YOUR FIELDS AND, UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN, MAY GOD HOLD YOU IN THE PALM OF HIS HAND.